Im Stadtpark (2017)

IM STADTPARK is a collaborative project with the Austrian collagist Patrick Fürli. It started in 2016 by cutting up the lyrics of a soppy piece of 1960s German Schlager music, “Vom Stadtpark die Laternen” (Lanterns of the municipal park). They created their own poetry with the words from the song and then sent each other some starters and general material to work with. Over several months they finished what the other had begun and worked on their own pieces in the spirit of the project. These are some of the collages D.M. Nagu created either on his own, or by finishing a piece started by Patrick.

A year later, from all the material we produced, we created a zine simply called IM STADTPARK, a selection of which was on show at LUDWIG from Nov. 9th to 30th, 2017.

If you’re interested in purchasing a copy of the zine, 36p., (Germany 10 Euros, rest of the world 14 Euros), please write to d.m.nagu ((at))